Mutua Madrid Open Trophy 2022

On May 8, the trophies for the Mutua Madrid Open 2022, produced by the prestigious Capa Esculturas foundry, were presented.

Collaboration with international artist David Rodríguez Caballero

The Capa foundry had the honor of producing this year’s trophies for the Mutua Madrid Open, designed by internationally renowned artist David Rodríguez Caballero. This talented creator has been acclaimed for his ability to transform materials into unique works of art, and his collaboration with Capa Sculptures has resulted in a truly special trophy for this important tennis tournament.

The ‘Areté’ trophy

The sculptural trophy, titled “Areté”, is constructed in stainless steel, and its forms evoke a tennis racket, capturing the essence of the sport in an artistic and modern way The choice of stainless steel not only provides durability, but also offers a sleek, contemporary aesthetic. In addition, the orange color of its interior is a nod to the clay court on which the tournament was played, creating a visual and symbolic connection to the event.

Meaning of the trophy

“Areté” is a Greek word meaning “excellence” and “virtue”, which is a perfect reflection of the spirit of the Mutua Madrid Open and the athletes competing in it. The trophy represents not only the triumph on the field, but also the dedication, effort and passion that the players put into every game. This year, Capa Esculturas’ innovative design and impeccable craftsmanship have elevated the trophy’s status to a true work of art.

Recognition of the winners

Congratulations to its creator, David Rodríguez Caballero, for his brilliant design, and to the winners of the Mutua Madrid Open 2022! The presentation of these trophies not only celebrates sporting success, but also the perfect fusion of art and sport. Each trophy is a testament to the talent and creativity that defined this event, and a well-deserved recognition of the athletes who demonstrated excellence in the tournament.


Capa Esculturas’ participation in the production of the trophies for the Mutua Madrid Open 2022 underlines its commitment to quality and innovation in the art of sculpture. The collaboration with David Rodriguez Caballero has resulted in a trophy that is both a piece of art and a symbol of sporting achievement. This event marks another important milestone for Capa Sculptures, consolidating its reputation as a leader in the creation of trophies and sculptures of high prestige.

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