CAPA at Madrid Design Festival 2022

Innovation in Sculpture, Architecture and Design Conference

As part of the program of the fifth edition of Madrid Design Festival 22, the Capa Foundry, with its general director Fernando Capa and photographer Ricardo Santonja, held a conference entitled “Innovation in sculpture, architecture and design”. This event stood out for presenting the latest technological advances that our foundry offers to turn the works and ideas of sculptors, architects and designers into reality. The conference focused on how innovation and technology can transform the creative process, from conception to execution, allowing artists and designers to explore new possibilities and realize their visions with precision and efficiency.

Presentation of the 3rd CAPA International Sculpture Competition

In addition, during the Madrid Design Festival, the III CAPA International Sculpture Competition was presented. This competition is an outstanding platform for emerging and established sculptors seeking to showcase their talent and creativity on an international level. Renowned companies such as Cosentino and I+D+Art collaborate closely in this contest, providing resources and support so that participants can develop their projects. The collaboration with Cosentino, a leading company in innovative surfaces for the world of design and architecture, and R&D+Art, which specializes in the integration of technology and art, highlights the Capa Foundry’s commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of sculpture.

Exhibition of winning works

An exhibition of some of the winning entries from previous editions of the contest was also inaugurated. This exhibition will be available throughout the month of February at Cosentino City Madrid, offering the public the opportunity to appreciate up close the pieces that have been recognized for their originality and artistic quality. The exhibition not only celebrates the talent of the winning artists, but also inspires new creators to participate in future editions of the competition.


In short, the conference and competition organized by the Capa Foundry, in collaboration with Cosentino and I+D+Art, not only promote innovation in art and design, but also provide an important platform for artists to share their work with a wider audience and access new opportunities in the international arena. These initiatives demonstrate the Capa Foundry’s commitment to fostering creativity and excellence in sculpture, architecture and design.

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