10th Anniversary of the inauguration of our news facilites

New capa facilities

Ten years ago, Capa inaugurated its 21st century facilities and became a world leader in its sector. Since then, the best facilities and the most advanced means are at the service of our clients, being, once again, pioneers in the application of new technologies.

Time has proved us right and our highest-ranking international competition has progressively incorporated these same media.

Production + sustainable

In these 10 years, we have implemented measures to make our work cleaner, improving conditions for everyone on the team. Thanks to this, the highest degree of sustainability in our sector in the world has been achieved, based on relentlessly pursuing the reduction of the environmental impact of our activity:

  • The recovery of materials is a priority: 90% reuse in 3 of the most consumed materials.
  • Reduction of energy consumption by more than 35% by investing in continuous updating of machinery and rationalization of processes.

Extensive experience

From Capa, artists are offered more than 100 different production processes to solve all their projects, both sculptural and architectural.

During all this time, more than 1,200 artists have decided to trust in our experience, making more than 30,000 sculptures of different formats and dimensions with great success, and participating in international projects of great importance.

Our clients find in Capa an essential ally, rising to the highest level, with the highest quality and the best and most complete comprehensive services. This has been possible and is supported by the highly trained, extensive experience and high capacities of the team that is led by the best professionals.

If you want to know more about our services → Visit our website

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