Incremental sheet forming

Investment in R&D as a key to success

At Capa Esculturas, investment in research and development (R&D) is a cornerstone of our philosophy. We strongly believe in the power of innovation to push the boundaries of creativity and offer unique solutions to our customers.

A commitment to cutting-edge technology

Thanks to our commitment to R&D, we have become pioneers in the application of new technologies to sheet metal forming. This has enabled us to develop innovative techniques that set us apart from the competition and allow us to create unique and customised parts for a wide range of applications.

One of the main advances we have made is the implementation of incremental deformation equipment. This equipment allows us to achieve organic shapes from a sheet of sheet metal, which opens up endless possibilities for the design and creation of unique pieces.

In addition to the creative advantages, incremental warping also allows us to reduce production costs. This is because it allows us to work with materials more efficiently and avoid waste.

ISF (Incremental Sheet Forming)

Our ISF (Incremental Sheet Forming) machine represents a further step in sheet metal forming. This machine allows us to work sheet metal with unprecedented precision and flexibility, which opens up an even wider range of possibilities for the design and creation of unique parts.

A future full of possibilities: limitless innovation and creativity

At Capa Esculturas, we are convinced that sheet metal forming has enormous potential for the future. We will continue to invest in R&D to develop new techniques and applications that will enable us to offer our customers even more innovative and creative solutions.

But our commitment is not limited to technological research. We are also constantly exploring new forms of artistic expression and collaborating with architects, designers and artists to create unique and surprising pieces.

We believe that sheet metal forming is an art in itself, and we are excited to continue exploring its possibilities and sharing our passion with the world.

Take a look at our completed work here.

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