3rd Edition of the CAPA International Sculpture Contest Awards Ceremony

The awards ceremony of the 3rd edition of the CAPA International Sculpture Contest was held on 19 May at our installations. This event not only served to recognise and celebrate the winning works, but also to bring together artists, jurors and art enthusiasts for a memorable day that included a special meal for all attendees.

The winners

Contest competition was fierce and the judges had the difficult task of selecting the winners from a group of exceptional works. Los galardonados de esta edición fueron:

  • First Prize: “Danza del Viento” , Pablo Redondo
  • Second Prize: “Espina”, Eduardo Cercos
  • Third Prize: “Situaciones”, Jesús Díaz Pacheco
  • Cosentino Special Prize: “Untitled”, Sharon Brill

These works stood out for their originality, technique and the ability of their authors to convey emotions and concepts through sculpture.

Special thanks

Capa Esculturas would like to congratulate the winners for their fantastic proposals and thank them for the enormous participation in this edition. Each of the works presented reflected the talent and dedication of their creators, making this edition a true success.

In addition, we extend our thanks to the jury for their hard work and to all those who attended the award ceremony. Without their presence and support, this event would not have been possible. The collaboration and enthusiasm of all those involved are fundamental to the continued growth and success of our contest.

A promising future

The awards ceremony of this 3rd edition of the CAPA International Sculpture Contest marks another milestone in our commitment to art and creativity. We are excited about what the future holds and are already working on the next edition, hoping to continue discovering and promoting sculptural talent on an international level.

We thank once again all participants and attendees, and hope to see you in future editions of our competition. Art and innovation continue to thrive thanks to your support!

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